Saturday, September 5, 2009

Out of the Gate

I'm Iris's mom, saying hello and welcoming you to This Week in Iris. I'll be blogging here about Iris's exploits on a weekly basis. (Usually on Sunday, if I can manage it.) Our extended family is pretty far flung, but I hope this will be a fun way for us all to keep up with her, no matter how many miles there are between us.

If you're looking for pictures, pictures, and more pictures, your best bet is to visit our photo hosting site here. Everything up to her first birthday is uploaded right now, and we will be steadily adding to the collection as time permits. You can order prints, mugs, shirts, and all kinds of stuff with Iris's picture on it if you are so inclined... pretty neat!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures, thanks to Jessie for sharing the link. Finally getting to pictures of the cutest baby ever. Holly and Bob, she is a gorgeous and very happy baby!

