This week, Iris mocked me openly for what I'm sure will be the first of many times. I was Walking Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone when Iris decided to join me for some exercise. I was already 15 minutes or so into, and therefore sweating and breathing hard. Iris got right in front of the TV, did two arm raises and started huffing and puffing herself. Geez, kid, do you have to rub it in?
Also, we've been working on the Itsy Bitsy Spider song/hand motions and today she came up to me and made a spider sign (which I didn't recognize at first), then yelled "RAIN!" and made the rain motion, and then "SUN!" with a sun motion. It took me a minute to figure out what she was doing, but now that I have caught on to the game we are playing it a lot. Good times!