Sunday, September 20, 2009

Look Who's Talking

In the last month or so, Iris has experienced what I can only describe as a language boom. She's been slightly behind schedule with talking- not really enough to be concerned, but just not seeming to be as interested in using words as most kids her age. She would say "Ma" for instance when upset, but not really any other time. Now, she calls me "Mama" pretty regularly, whether she wants something or just wants me to know she can say it. She also says:
  • no
  • okay (as a substitute for yes)
  • I know
  • uh-oh
  • oh no!
  • noooooo (when pointing to her nose)
  • mow (ryhmes with "ow" when pointing to her mouth)
  • hair
  • ear
  • eye
  • mama
  • daddy
  • woof woof' (and she sticks out her tongue and pants sometimes... very cute)
  • co (puts her arms around herself and fake shivers)
  • hawww (which I know to be hot, because she blows on her hand when she says it, the same way we blow on her food when it is too hot)
That's just the short list. There's a lot more where that came from! It's so amazing to me, because two months ago, she was barely saying anything. She takes her time, but once she makes up her mind to do something, she really goes all out.

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